Five Messenger Marketing Campaigns: To Boost Your Sales

Five Messenger Marketing Campaigns: To Boost Your Sales

October 22, 2019

Facebook reported that there are more than two billion messages per month being sent between people and businesses, on Messenger alone. If that’s not a reason enough for you to start with Messenger marketing, we got more. 

Optinmonster also shared in their article on Messenger marketing, that 63% of Facebook users felt positive about a brand after being able to chat with them. The reason being that it makes the brand look more approachable, making them more reliable than those who are hard to even contact.

Chat with business affect on customers

While you’ll see a lot of stores offering support on Messenger, stores like Insane!, a toy shop, are generating $17,800 worth of extra sales from the chat app.

Here’s how!

Messenger marketing campaigns to boost your sales

Like any other marketing strategy, there is no one said way of using the Messenger. You can always experiment with your Messenger marketing campaigns to see what works best for your audience.

But here are a few Messenger marketing campaigns you can run with Flashchat to improve your customer engagement rate and conversions, driving more sales.

1. Welcome new shoppers

Online shoppers don’t tend to make any kind of interaction or purchase on their first visit to a store. So if they do subscribe to your notifications on the Messenger, it is an indication of their interest in your products and trust in your brand. That’s why it is important to turn these subscribers into customers as soon as possible.

With Messenger marketing, you can send a welcome message to these shoppers. It could simply thank them for trusting you and joining your community or offer the first-purchase discount to nudge them towards buying something. 

It’s similar to sending out a welcome email to your subscribers. It sets the tone for what the shoppers can expect to receive from your brand. 

Welcome Chat Message

2. Recover the abandoned carts

The average cart abandonment rate has reached a whopping 80% across some industries. With the increasing competition in the industry, it is getting tougher for brands to keep shoppers engaged. An extra 10% discount from another store and you’ll lose a customer to another store.

Now you can’t possibly stop a customer from exploring the deals available to them. But you can remind them of what they’re missing out on by leaving the products on your site. Or you could sweeten the deal by making your offer look better than the others.

Using a Messenger marketing campaign, remind shoppers of the products they abandoned. Include a message that highlights their features or create a sense of scarcity around them. Offer them an additional 10% discount in a time-sensitive manner or free shipping, to have them coming back immediately to complete the purchase.

recover abandoned carts

3. Share your product reviews

Consumers trust consumers more than any kind of brand advertisements.

So instead of just adding customer reviews and ratings to your product pages, use them in your Messenger marketing campaigns as well. 

Take, for instance, a customer abandons a product. You can re-engage them on the Messenger by reminding them of what they’ve left behind. But additionally, adding that product’s reviews to show them how loved they are by other customers like them.

Product Reviews

4. Promote products and deals 

You’ll see most online stores using email newsletters to promote their new range of products and deals. But what you can also do to make sure those products and deals are discovered, is promote them using a Messenger marketing campaign.

Make the same newsletter crisper and actionable for the Messenger. The idea is to get straight to showing the subscribers what is new and which deals are live so that they can engage with what interests them the most.

Just like the newsletter, you can use Messenger marketing campaigns to continually stay in touch with your customers.

5. Share shipping and delivery updates

Imagine placing an order on an online store and then having no information to track the progress of it. You don’t know where the order has reached or when it is likely to reach you.

But with Messenger marketing, you can send out timely shipping and delivery updates to your customers. It helps them easily keep track of their orders and know when to expect its delivery. But at the same time, it actually helps you improve brand recall by continually staying at the top of their minds.

You can additionally use the opportunity to remind these customers of other discounts available on the store or recommend those that they might like. Combining the two campaigns is a great way to drive repeat sales.

Message Delivery Updates

Do you need Messenger marketing?

The numbers say it all.

Internet users are making use of chat apps more than ever and the Messenger ranks right at the top. It’s the one channel that a consumer is sure to check every few hours, increasing the chances of your message or promotion getting delivered on time.

When reaching out to the customers at the right time with the right message is so critical to driving sales, not utilizing Messenger marketing is like losing an opportunity – an opportunity to engage and interact with your customers; an opportunity to turn those conversations into successful sales.

So no matter how big or small your store is, Messenger is your ticket to implementing conversational marketing for your brand.

Have you experimented with Messenger marketing campaigns yet? We’d love to know more about the campaign you ran and how it helped your store grow. 



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