KPI Calculators: 13 Tools for E-commerce

KPI Calculators: 13 Tools for E-commerce

July 6, 2017

That’s not a surprise for e-commerce retailers to face some difficulties while identifying and forecasting some of their KPIs. Also, they might be unaware of how to boost their productivity, increase their revenue and save their time by eliminating daily works done manually. That’s why we’ve gathered 13 KPI calculators that’ll drastically improve your business metrics.

With those calculators, e-commerce retailers can have a better understanding of their KPIs that need to be improved. These KPI calculators are totally free to use and highly customizable depending on your own business’ metrics.

Retention Calculator

Retention Calculator

The most profitable stores are focused on getting repeat purchases through retention marketing. Loyalty programs continually lead results by making existing customers more profitable and they create loyal customers who are keen on shopping more from you and enhance the lifetime value per customer.

The Retention Calculator by shows you the metrics that can be a reference to your retention performance such as purchase frequency, customer lifetime value. At last, the calculator brings out a diagram that points out the estimated extra revenue to be gained by starting a loyalty program.

Dropshipping Traffic Calculator

Kpi Calculators Dropshipping

The most challenging part of dropshipping is to forecast the demand, manage the inventory and target a profitable revenue. To overcome that problem, great execution and estimation are needed in order to sustain the growth of your business and keep your customers always satisfied.

Oberlo’s Dropshipping Traffic Calculator will tell you how many visitors you need to attract to your store to reach your targeted revenue. With that quick information, you can plan your orders from the supplier and have a dedicated plan.

A/B Test Significance Calculator

Kpi Calculators A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to make more out of your existing traffic. As the needs of online shoppers change and evolve every day, you should continuously test and optimize your website.

To justify the results of your tests, you can take a look at VWO’s A/B Test Significance Calculator which lets all e-commerce companies figure out if their A/B tests are significant or not.

Website Grader

Website Grader

There are so many website graders around the Internet, but one of them is much more detailed and accurate. Hubspot’s Website Grader scores your website by analyzing the performance, mobile, SEO and security status. By taking this information as a reference, you can start making your website easy for users to discover better content and design. After you start optimizing your online store you will see its impact on increasing the traffic and site speed, improving the conversion rates, generating more leads and boosting the revenue.

Reorder Point (ROP) Calculator

Reader Point

Think about a scenario, you launched a charming product to the market and it’s selling like crazy. You are amazed at the sales results and expecting to keep up the good work. But, you need to be careful about your inventory level. You have to reorder before it goes out. If you order too early, you have to spend more for storing costs. If you miss ordering at the right time, the conversion rates will decrease as online shoppers don’t hesitate to leave your store for one of your competitors if you fail to fulfill their needs. TradeGecko inventory and order management software’s calculator calculates the best time to reorder products.

NPS Calculator

Kpi Calculators NPS

One of the most important things that every e-commerce companies should focus on is their Net Promoter Score.

With NPS tools, you are able to understand the journey of customers and find out how likely your users are willing to promote your product or service to their audience.

Delighted’s NPS Calculator calculates your overall NPS score by calculating scores from the surveys that you’ve conducted. You can also estimate how many promoters do you need to reach your KPI.

Accounting Automation ROI Calculator

Kpi Calculators ROI

Instead of being bombarded by huge paperwork, an accounting tool that fits your business can help your business grow. Moreover, the productivity of your employees will be improved significantly.

With the given data of the number of orders per month and an hourly salary of the data-entry employee, Webgility’s Accounting Automation ROI Calculator estimates how much time and money you are going to save if you adapt automated accounting solution.

e-commerce Growth Calculator

Growth Calculator Perpetto

The growth rate of an online store is related to mostly its monthly visits, unique visitors, conversions, retention, and cart abandonment rate depending on its industry.

Perpetto’s e-commerce Growth Calculator helps you to find out what is your e-commerce growth score and potential annual revenue opportunity. A great tool to see the big picture of your business.

Cart Abandonment ROI Calculator

Cart Abandonment ROI

You put everything in order to get consumers to your store. But do you also put the same effort into preventing visitors from leaving your shop? Often this is not the case and that is a shame. In 70% of the cases, customers leave the shop without having made a purchase.

Rejoiner’s Card Abandonment ROI Calculator identifies the percentage of cart abandonment rate, the number of abandoned customers during the checkout process and total loss revenue from abandoned cards.

Profit Margin Calculator

Profit Margin Calculator

Profit margins are the major indicator of whether your business will survive and grow or sink. Comparing with other variants, there is no other metric affecting directly the financial health of your business. This is especially much more obvious in the e-commerce industry. Here, the question surrounding founders/managers’ minds! What can e-commerce companies do to improve their profit margins?

A margin calculator might be a good option! Shopify’s Profit Margin Calculator shows you the best selling price by melting your costs and markups in the same pot and helps you to aim desired margins.

PayPal Fee Calculator

PayPal Free Calculator

Shopify’s next tool, PayPal Fee Calculator helps you to identify how much you will receive after one transaction and how much you should aim to set your selling prices in order to get expected revenue after the cut-off from PayPal.

Checkout Conversion Calculator

Checkout Conversion

By identifying and reducing frustrating parts of the website you can decrease abandonment rates and gain lost revenue.

BlueSnap’s Checkout Conversion Calculator offers a test-based calculator to online merchants. This tool is mostly about understanding which part should be optimized in order to increase conversions. The questionnaire is split into two parts – part one is about pre-payment starting from the beginning of the shopping journey to the moment shopper click buy button. The second part addresses the payment process and tries to understand what could be the cause of checkout without closing the deal.

Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

We also would like to show a useful calculator for SaaS companies. Even LTV is a crucial metric for subscription businesses, SaaS companies face difficulties while trying to estimate this metric. By knowing perfectly LTV, you can balance customer acquisition spend, determine payback period and provide valuable reports for investors.

ChartMogul’s LTV Calculator finds out the LTV for your business.


Website Optimization Grade

Website Optimization Grade

Omniconvert’s Website Optimization Grade helps you to find out how well optimized your website. With a detailed report including also some optimization advice upon your score, you will get scores of general optimization, product page, and cart page.

E-Commerce Growth Calculator

E-commerce Growth Calculator

Another great KPI calculator from Omniconvert addresses and helps you to understand the right mix of a growth strategy for your e-commerce store. That calculator provides you a quick and comprehensive report in order to grow your online business.

Wrapping up the KPI calculators

We’ve tried to mention interactive and highly customizable calculators that add value by answering your prospect’s most pressing questions. With the help of these calculators, you can get an idea about how to increase your revenue and productivity with monthly subscription fees. The outcomes from these calculators can help your business development, marketing and sales team to learn more about the current and potential growth of whole business efforts. Take a look at these business-friendly KPI calculators through our resource and let’s see what type of results you can generate.

Please don’t hesitate to share with us if you know of another great one.

This article was first published on


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