How to Create Interactive Landing Pages That’ll Increase Conversions

How to Create Interactive Landing Pages That’ll Increase Conversions

July 22, 2020

Being successful with your business online is a matter of visibility and making a significant impact since the very first contact with your brand. Do you know that interactive landing pages can be the perfect solution for both goals?

In this post, we want to show you how this simple strategy can increase your lead generating and, consequently, your conversions.

To do that, we will focus on the benefits of interactive content, a great landing page, and especially the magic that happens when you combine both.

Keep reading!

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How interactive content increase conversions

Interactive content is any kind of media that demands user participation to be consumed.

It can be an infographic, a quiz, a lookbook, or a webpage that focuses on action-based connections.

When we think about this context, it is easy to understand how it can influence your conversion rate. Interaction is key to engagement.

Actually, engaging audiences is the number one reason to invest in interaction, says the Content Marketing Institute report. It is followed by educating the audience and creating brand awareness.

The Top 3 paints a perfect picture of why you should use this kind of content in your digital strategy.

It is an opportunity to bring more leads to know your brand and make them stay. It also boosts content sharing numbers and reach.

The result? More visibility, more traffic, more data.

All these can be used to guide your leads better and increase conversions with little investment.

That is why so many businesses are going for it. The majority of the marketers today think of interactive content to differentiate a brand and see them as a traffic grower.

And it is even better when you understand that no one needs to start from scratch. Repurposing content from passive to interactive is a fast, cheap way of getting those benefits.

Why you need interactive landing pages in a marketing strategy

Now let’s talk about the second player in this bigger strategy. Do you already use landing pages to improve visibility and conversions? If not, the time to start is right now.

Landing pages are crucial to any kind of online business — from digital solutions to e-commerce. They are usually a standalone page designed specifically for an offer or a product, showing features and getting the public to know more about it.

From a strategic standpoint, they help you create compelling material for boosting SEO.

You not only reach more people through organic sources but also increase data gathered from new leads.

What does this mean in numbers? Well-designed landing pages can have substantially better conversion rates, going even higher than 5% — above the market average.

There is a reason for that. Landing pages are not only showcases, they usually offer rich, relevant content in exchange for some info — an email address, a subscription or registration.

It gives you even more data to work within marketing strategies. Better knowledge of your audience is a powerful weapon to get those extra sales.

How to create interactive landing pages

Now that you understand both strategies’ relevance, it’s time to combine them to create interactive landing pages, even greater than the sum of its parts.

This kind of content can be an engagement powerhouse and the first step into an easier journey from interest to purchase.

Here are the tips you need to have in mind when designing the perfect interactive page.

Know your buyer persona

Like any other kind of content, the proposed interaction on your landing page should be the one that clicks with your audience. The more focused it is, the higher your conversion rate.

So get to know your buyer persona better — a semi-fictional character representing your public with a name, age, habits, tastes, interests, and goals.

There are many different approaches to interaction, so you need to choose the one that works with your ideal customer.

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Decide what you want from them

Interactive content is an exchange. You ask something and give something in return. So what do you want to ask your leads that will help you sell to them?

The answer to this question will also help you determine what interactive content is best for increasing conversion rates.

Do you want a richer base to work with? Then ask for some contact information at the end.

Do you want visibility? Then create viral content.

Do you want to close the deal? Then point the end of the experience directly to your website.

Use an exclusive variation of your visual identity

Landing pages are unique but also part of a bigger strategy. This should be reflected in your visual communication and the way you interact with the public.

Different but familiar: that is the key.

Be aware of responsivity

Mobile platforms already account for more than half of all internet access.

Think about how your designed content can be displayed and interacted with different sizes of screens, resolutions, and inputs.

Use A/B testing

Landing pages are standalone content, so they are perfect for doing some A/B testing. Use the information gathered from the topics above to create different versions of your vision and boost landing page cro.

The more options, the better. Then stick with the one that creates more engagement and keep improving from there.

Digital Marketing is as iterative as it is innovative.

Track, track, and then do more tracking

Speaking of which, the success of any marketing strategy is in your focus on analyzing data and reacting to it.

Specific KPIs can measure the engagement and next steps from each user on your landing page. This data can be used to assess and improve interactive content.

Performance, optimization, and relevance are the kinds of points worth investigating continually.

3 tools to create interactive landing pages

Now that you know why and how to create compelling, efficient interactive landing pages, we can wrap up showing you 3 tools to help you and your team in this journey.

Check them out!


Unbounce is a more general landing page solution. It offers a platform to design, develop, and share compelling pages with different plans and prices.

The interactive part of it will come from you, but it helps with specialized templates based on the business’ segment or goals.


Langingi’s main selling point is its simplicity. It describes itself as a platform for building landing pages without coding skills.

And it delivers that, with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG interface. It can not only help you create, but also automate workflow and distribution management.

Ion Interactive

Ion Interactive in this context can be the most appropriate solution as it focuses on interaction first. Offering a platform to build interactive content is its main offering, but there is a specialized solution for landing pages.

You can create an app-like presentation, responsive layouts, and code-free visual elements — like animations and forms. It is an easy, all-in-one package.

Parting Words

Choosing the right tool for your business and taking with you all the information we shared here, you are now ready to create amazing interactive landing pages. All you need now is to begin.

  1. Keval Padia
    August 11, 2020

    Superb article. I believe you have covered all the important points as to why landing pages are important for more conversions. I agree that in the last decade we have seen how users are reacting and interacting with businesses. It is an often changing landscape and it pays to be relevant.

  2. Prisync Team
    August 12, 2020

    Hi Keval, thank you!

  3. Lynn Creger
    November 19, 2020

    Great article. In this article, all the steps are really informative. I read this article and now I create interactive landing pages that'll increase conversions. Thanks for sharing this great article.

  4. Prisync Team
    December 14, 2020

    Thanks a lot, Lynn!

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