Grow Sales & Promote Deals with Store Features of Amazon 

Grow Sales & Promote Deals with Store Features of Amazon 

February 16, 2023

Amazon sellers or people who want to start their business on Amazon can boost their visibility and their target audience in various ways. The tricky part is finding out how. The answer is taking advantage of the store features of Amazon! By doing so you can stand out from the competition and grow sales. 

If you don’t know how store features can help your store to better engage shoppers with richer content experiences to grow sales, continue reading! 

In this blog post, we will explain what the store features of Amazon are. And how you can make it work for your store to grow your sales.

Amazon Stores Features

Amazon stores give brands the ability to promote their products and maintain their brand identity. This means Amazon sellers no longer have to worry about losing their brand identity in a competitive marketplace. 

If you take advantage of using store features you are likely to experience the following:

  • Give customers a better mobile shopping experience as a brand.
  • Have an opportunity to introduce your brand to new target customers.
  • Get the potential to boost organic ranking on Amazon.     
  • Able to promote new products to existing customers for free.
  • Compete with your competitors on Amazon in a more enhanced way.

Let’s discover the store features of Amazon. They can lead you to increase brand repetition, grow sales and promote your products and offerings! 

Discover Store Features of Amazon

  1. Inspire Your Customers with Shoppable Collection Images

    Shoppable images allow you to upload lifestyle images that feature your products in different settings. You can choose any of your products in the image shoppable. 
    Customers can to click on the featured products to see basic information such as:

    Product Name
    Customer Ratings
    Premium Availability

    Shoppers can add the product to their shopping cart or navigate to the product detail page to access more information. Having a high number of reviews can be beneficial and you can also consider optimizing your price. They can lead customers to add products to their shopping cart directly! 

    Ensure that your shoppable images are attractive and inspire your target customers to make purchases. You can consider uploading your highest-performing products. And observe whether your number of sales increases. 

  2. Add CTA by Image with Text 

    You have a choice to add text to your images. It’s a great way to add Call-to-Actions and lead customers to make a purchase. You can use this capability to add descriptive texts to images to better describe your products. Explain the value of your product within the same image. 

    Text images allow you to improve your store’s search engine optimization as well. This can increase your store traffic from other search engine sources. Therefore, include the best keywords to obtain better results.  

  3. Save Time with Enhanced Product Management 

    Thanks to the store features of Amazon you can upload your product grids and featured-deals tiles images in bulk. If any of your products are out-of-stock you can choose to automatically hide any ASINS (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers). Or hide them if not available in different countries. 

    With this feature, you can make quick updates when it’s needed. Your customers cannot face any issues while you are optimizing the shopping experience for them. It’s a great time-saver and asks for minimum effort.

  4. Optimize Your Effort by Amazon Store Scheduling

    You can publish updates on scheduled dates and times for your Amazon store. It’s a great opportunity when you are about to feature a new product or promote new features of your existing products. 
    Synchronize your store’s publishing schedule for the following:

    Seasonal changes
    New releases
    Brand updates

    That will allow you to optimize your time and effort efficiently while keeping your customers engaged with your Amazon store. 

  5. Increase Brand Awareness with Your Logo & Links to Stores

    Amazon shoppers can discover your store by clicking on your brand logo. It has been added to the bottom of the landing page of your Sponsored Brands ads. Therefore, it is essential to upload your brand logo to your store builder. Ensure it’s updated. 

    You can add your brand logo at the bottom of the pages so that your target customers can click and be directed to your store. 

    You should know that this feature is created to give customers more opportunities to find your Amazon store. Consequently, it can help build brand awareness within the marketplace.

  6. Attract Customers Through Background Video 

    Lastly, you can include videos in your store of up to 30 seconds that will play automatically. These videos can be featured in different size formats. You can include additional details about your products or services. 

    Ensure that you have a smooth transition over the video. To capture customers’ attention, try using it above the fold. It’s best to test different versions of video formats. After that, you can explore new ways to attract your customers through video content.

Quick Tips to Take Advantage of Store Features

Using store features allows you to strengthen your brand image and get massive traffic to your store. But while following the steps we have explained above you can consider adopting advanced & actionable tips as we will explain below. 

Track Your Competitors. Research your competitors’ Amazon stores. Find out how they benefit from the store features of Amazon. You can have an insight into their strategy. 

Offer Competitive Pricing. Amazon is the biggest marketplace in Ecommerce. That creates big competition in the market for your brand. To stand out, you can offer competitive prices for your products. Track your competitors’ prices automatically on a daily basis and be informed when they change their prices. 

Upload High-Quality Images. Shoppable collections can work well if you manage to optimize your product images. Add high-quality, lifestyle images to attract your target customers.  

Collaborate with Social Media Influencers. Most of your target customers can be scrolling through other channels right now. Therefore, you can benefit from it by working with social media influencers. It can help you get more traffic to your Amazon store.  


Store features of Amazon are a great way to promote your products, strengthen your brand image and attract customers. Follow the steps we explained above to grow your number of sales and get more traffic to your store. Hopefully, you can get the maximum benefit from these benefits. 


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