High-Converting Landing Pages To Boost your Magento Store Sales

High-Converting Landing Pages To Boost your Magento Store Sales

January 22, 2020

The success of an e-commerce store is usually connected to the number of new customers it can generate and how well it can manage to retain them.

However, getting more sales isn’t always as easy as it sounds and e-commerce owners need to find the best solution to boost their e-commerce store sales and ensure their long-term growth.

For Magento store owners, creating a landing page to skyrocket your sales and is your best way to boost your sales faster and achieve in the most cost-effective way ever.

In this article, we’re going to see how to create high-converting landing pages that your Magento store needs to generate more sales.

Before we do that, let’s take a closer look at landing pages.

What’s a Landing Page?

When we talk about landing pages we refer to standalone pages that are specifically created for a marketing campaign.

Compared to the traditional homepage, landing pages display a single call-to-action that’s meant to encourage visitors to click on it and convert.

High-converting Landing Pages

Landing pages are an excellent tool to increase your lead generation, capture your visitors’ personal info and, ultimately, convert them into loyal supporters of your store.

Creating amazing destination pages for your Magento store will give you a great advantage as you will be able to present your customers with targeted information and a value proposition that they won’t be able to resist.

Why You Need a Landing Page for Your Magento Store

Easily Promoted Through Emails and Social Media Ads

Email marketing and social media ads are some of the best ways to improve your e-commerce store traffic.

When you combine their power with your landing pages, though, then you get the ultimate weapon to not only increase your traffic but also convert it.

When it comes to email, you simply need a great email editor to create a campaign, link your landing page and then send it to your email subscribers.

To get the best email editor out there, you need to find an amazing email marketing automation platform to give you all the necessary tools you need to succeed.

Looking at some of the most famous constant contact competitors will give you a large variety of options to find what suits your needs and help you deliver your amazing pages in the most cost-effective way.

Similarly, creating amazing Facebook ads that will lead to your social landing pages will also do the trick and help you boost your sales.

Targeted Messages

Compared to a webpage with multiple CTAs and distractions, landing pages offer you the unique opportunity to deliver more targeted messages that will have a convincing value proposition and an irresistible call-to-action that will incentivize your visitor to click on it.

Especially for new Magento store owners who need to get as many new customers as they can in a short amount of time, landing pages can give you a huge boost that will be able to cover your starting expenses and slowly lead you towards growth.

Also, keep in mind that personalizing your landing page can significantly enhance the success of your destination pages and boost their overall performance.

If you want to get started with personalization, then you should consider using tools for e-commerce personalization.

Solutions for Customer Pain Points

Due to their nature, landing pages can be excellent problem-solvers to your potential customers’ pain points.

Giving them amazing solutions to their problems through your landing pages will show them that your business is capable of identifying customer problems and can offer incredible solutions that will improve their lives.

Also, since landing pages can greatly contribute to building credibility and trustworthiness around your Magento store, using them will effectively increase your customer lifecycle marketing endeavors and slowly turn uncertain buyers into your loyal customers.

Ways to Create Amazing Landing Pages To Skyrocket Your Magento Store Sales

Find the Best Design

The first rule of creating high-converting landing pages is to eliminate any elements that will distract or discourage your visitors from clicking on your CTA.

Filling your page with irrelevant information and other CTAs won’t boost your sales, but rather confuse your potential shoppers and lead them a step further away from conversion.

While you might think that the fancier the landing page the better results it’ll give you, simpler landing pages can perform a lot better. After all,  minimalistic design is one of the biggest graphic design trends of 2020 and is what successful brands already use to have high-performing pages.

For this reason, favoring simplicity over complexity will help you deliver more focused landing pages that will boost your Magento store’s sales and give you the best results.

Speaking of distractions, did you know that your navigation links are one of the reasons why visitors leave your landing pages?

While the navigation bar is a necessary part of every webpage that helps visitors take a look around your website, using it as part of your landing page can be problematic.

Since you want to minimize distractions and focus your potential shoppers’ attention on a single CTA, leaving your navigation bar out of your landing page picture will help you boost your conversions and show your shoppers what they need to do through your only clickable element on the page.

CTA Buttons

Create a Killer CTA

Your CTA is the most important element of your entire landing page, so when you create one you have to make sure that your visitors won’t miss it.

Apart from using the right colors that will make your CTA stand out, you also have to employ the right copy that will give them all the right reasons to click on it.

For instance, boring CTAs that have the wrong colors and copy like “Submit” and “Click here” will discourage your visitors from converting.

Instead, try to combine action verbs like “get” or “pick” with what your customer has to do to make your CTA more creative and increase the chances of clicking on it.

High-converting Landing Pages

Notice how the brand uses the write CTA copy to let their potential buyers know exactly what they need to do and what they’ll get by clicking on the CTA?

The best way to ensure your CTA is as effective as possible is to A/B test it. This can be difficult to do, given that it’s such a small element on your landing page. But, by using a custom URL shortener like Rebrandly to create links for your CTA buttons, you can collect click data on each variation and compare them to identify which one is most effective.

Social-Proof Your Landing Pages

Social proof is a phenomenon where people copy the actions of others, usually occurring when they want to determine what is the correct way to behave in a specific situation.

When it comes to leveraging it to boost your sales, social proof is a powerful element to add credibility to your Magento store and make visitors convert since their peers have already done it.

Equipping your landing pages with social proof is as easy as it sounds since you can either use your best e-commerce consumer reviews to show that your products deliver excellent customer experiences or take advantage of start ratings to highlight your products’ amazing performance.

While social proof can take many forms, using consumer reviews and star ratings is one of the most successful tacts to create high-converting landing pages that will give you concrete results.

Customer Reviews

Highlight Your Value Proposition

Since your landing page is the mediator between your uncertain shopper and your amazing products, you need to make sure that your page will have all the necessary weapons to get your potential customers to click on your CTA.

The best way to boost your sales and increase the efficiency of your Magento store landing page is to show your shoppers the value of your proposition.

Since your Magento store has to deal with a lot of competition from other brands with similar products, showing your potential buyers what your product can do for them is your best way to convert them.

High-converting Landing Pages

Optimize Landing Pages for Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are your customers’ favorite devices to communicate with their peers and search for new products and ideas.

Since more and more consumers use their mobile devices to do their shopping, neglecting to have mobile-optimized landing pages will only lead to customer frustration and fewer conversions.

If you want to step up your Magento store game, then you always need to optimize your landing pages for mobile devices.

As this case study showed, optimizing their landing page gave Leesa, a mattress manufacturer, a 35% increase in conversion rates and a 25% increase in their average order value (AOV).


Landing pages are every Magento store owner’s secret weapon to boost sales and promote the growth of their online business.

To fully leverage their power and create high-converting landing pages, though, you need to find the best design, remove any potential distractions that will drive your visitors away, have irresistible CTAs, take advantage of social proof, have the best value proposition and don’t forget to optimize them for mobile devices.

So, next time you look for the best way to skyrocket your Magento store sales, take a look at these 6 ways to create the best high-converting landing pages that will give your e-commerce business the best results.


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