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Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

pricing strategies
May 4, 2023

Build Pricing Strategies for Uncertain Times

Pricing is a very critical point for both online retailers and shoppers. Since the global economy is living in uncertain times, which means the economy is unstable and the money starts to lose its power,… Continue Reading

road sign written price, strategy, product, campaign, customer on it.
April 26, 2023

Top Product Pricing Strategies for Ecommerce (2023)

Most entrepreneurs spend their creative efforts when beginning a business on developing a concept and converting it into a sellable product. However, before you can start selling any product or service, you must determine its… Continue Reading

Price Skimming
April 25, 2023

Price Skimming – Definitions, Examples, Pros and Cons

Price skimming is a type of price discrimination. Consider it a way to target people from different income levels and willingness to pay. Not all products suit this strategy, so read carefully before testing it… Continue Reading

6 Techniques for Pricing Strategy
April 13, 2023

6 Techniques that Prove Your Pricing Strategy Is Good

E-commerce stores try to capture their target customers' attention by applying and testing various pricing strategies. But finding good prices might become a long and overwhelming process from time to time. The question is, what… Continue Reading

price testing
March 21, 2023

Price Testing: How to Test Different Prices Without Alienating Customers

Product pricing changes are a process that can look risky and scary for many business owners because you can never say for sure how your customers might react to the new price - and how… Continue Reading

Psychology and Analysis Behind Pricing
November 30, 2022

Learn the Psychology and Analysis Behind Pricing to Maximize Your Profits

Have you ever noticed that some stores mark the price of their goods with a “$” sign, while others don’t? They do this on purpose. The decision to include that little symbol or not makes… Continue Reading

Pricing Experiment
November 2, 2022

5 Tricks to Experiment with Your Pricing Strategy

Did you know that you can experiment with pricing?  This is one of the best practices that shouldn't be avoided if you have a goal to grow your online business. Whenever any kind of sales… Continue Reading

pricing strategies
July 6, 2022

Pricing Strategies During Inflation

Inflation is a big concern for everyone from individuals, companies, retailers, to politicians. This affects you as an individual and also your business life. To deal with that effectively as an online retailer, you need… Continue Reading

pricing trends for 2022
June 1, 2022

Pricing Trends: What’s Ahead in Ecommerce for 2022

Most of our clients ask us, what's the most effective and up-to-date pricing strategy for ecommerce businesses? Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this question. We tell them each business has different needs and… Continue Reading

Introductory Price
August 5, 2021

How to Use Introductory Price to Capture A Large Audience From Early On

What is an introductory price? Pricing strategies used to attract customers to a new product or service by offering a special price and developing a new customer audience for the new entry are known as… Continue Reading