
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

Target Rate of Return Pricing A Strategy blog post featured image
March 5, 2024

Target Rate of Return Pricing: A Strategy Used by Experts

Target return pricing is a pricing strategy used by many ecommerce experts. It helps them set the price of a product based on the expected rate of return of their business. It sounds more complicated… Continue Reading

basket based pricing blog cover
February 6, 2024

Basket Based Pricing: A Better Way to Upsell

Returning customers account for 40% of the US revenue. Their numbers are small, but they are more profitable than one-time shoppers. Top-performing marketers work hard to keep customers loyal to their stores, and a basket… Continue Reading

Smart Pricing
December 13, 2023

Smart Pricing: Competing Without Racing To The Bottom

Imagine a world where you were always able to command competitive prices for your products and still make a profit. That world is well within your reach if you start implementing smart pricing tactics. They… Continue Reading

Cost-Plus pricing blog cover
November 28, 2023

Cost-Plus Pricing: Definition & How-to Guide

As an online retailer, there are several pricing strategies you can adopt or combine. Cost-plus pricing is the most easy-to-apply strategy that can save you all the time on earth. But is it effective? By… Continue Reading

price intelligence blog post featured image
November 15, 2023

Price Intelligence | Why You Need it in Ecommerce

70% of US shoppers, in a recent survey, stated that competitive prices are the most important factor influencing their buying decisions. Prices change at an unprecedented pace as a result of stiff competition and a… Continue Reading

road sign written price, strategy, product, campaign, customer on it.
April 26, 2023

Top Product Pricing Strategies for Ecommerce (2023)

Most entrepreneurs spend their creative efforts when beginning a business on developing a concept and converting it into a sellable product. However, before you can start selling any product or service, you must determine its… Continue Reading