
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

Customers Into Advocates
January 30, 2018

Customers Into Advocates: 5 Ways to Do It

Is it possible to turn your everyday customers into advocates? With a tiny bit of work, it can be. Obviously, there are some ground rules. First of all, you have to be well-liked to begin… Continue Reading

Customer Loyalty 03
January 24, 2018

Customer Loyalty: How to Improve it with Pricing

If you've achieved to attract visitors to your store and gained a sustainable traffic, then you should think the next step which will be about converting visitors to actual customers and keep them loyal to… Continue Reading

Loyalty Programs 02
September 28, 2017

Loyalty Programs: A Natural Conversion Rate Optimizer

Conversion rate optimization is the concept of boosting the ratio of web users who perform the desired task on your website. Fundamentally, it’s a matter of looking at your existing user base and strategically encouraging… Continue Reading

Referral Program 01
April 4, 2017

Referral Program: 4 Easy Tips for Success

One of the easiest ways to get more business is to use referral marketing. Not only is it convenient, but it’s a lot less cheap than traditional marketing. Referral programs and eCommerce go hand in… Continue Reading

Customer Experience 01
March 28, 2017

E-commerce Customer Experience: The Shift from User Experience

The days where e-commerce sites were expected to be simply functional are long gone. The age of the customer is here. As an e-commerce retailer, you better shift your attention from the user experience to… Continue Reading

November 1, 2016

Customer Service: Improve Support & Satisfy Customers

In the world of online business and extensive competition between merchants, it's rather difficult not only to satisfy customers with appropriate production (almost any online store can offer a wide range of required items) but mainly provide quick, reliable and smart customer service they expect. This is clear because the more e-commerce business grows the harder is to maintain end… Continue Reading

May 24, 2016

Redeem Points: Increase Loyalty for E-Commerce

As most of the loyal readers of Prisync's E-Commerce Blog already know, we are quite keen to drill down any interesting subject about e-commerce and love to publish posts as kind of follow ons to each other in our blog. After a few pieces on our blog about Loyalty in E-Commerce, we were fascinated by the depth of this topic… Continue Reading