Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.
The first thing any business owner or a merchant learns entering the market is that price is never just one particular number. Price is actually such a multileveled matter that, in many ways, sound price… Continue Reading
When you're reading business blogs to find the strategies that best fit your business, you often come across a term—price point. You wonder, what's the difference between price point and price? It's a fundamental knowledge… Continue Reading
You already know that you need to pay careful consideration to how you price your products. With hundreds of ecommerce stores being launched every single day, it’s imperative you stay on top and set competitive… Continue Reading
The Price Index is the metric that shows your price positioning in the market. We'll talk about how observing the price index helps in improving sales, controlling the positioning of your brand, and finding loopholes… Continue Reading
Willingness to pay (WTP) is the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay in exchange for a product/service. We use this metric to price our products in line with customer expectations and increase the… Continue Reading
Now, it is a proven fact that prices are the major factor that defines the competition in the ecommerce world. What I mean by defining the competition is; many online retailers dynamically try to cut… Continue Reading
Table of contents Basket-based pricing Captive product Channel-specific pricing Commoditization Comparison shopping engines Competitive intelligence Competitive market Competitive pricing / market-oriented pricing Cost-plus pricing / cost-based pricing / cost-oriented pricing Decoy effect Dropshipping Dumping Dynamic… Continue Reading
Price is the amount of money given in return for a product or service. In some cases, it refers to the amount requested by a seller in exchange for the product/service she/he offers. Selling price… Continue Reading
When an e-commerce business expands, business owners naturally have more things to consider and one of those aspects is price escalation. Price escalation is when an item has a different price in a different market… Continue Reading
Retail giants invest thousands of dollars in big data analytics to understand the relationship between changes in price and demand. Most SMBs don't have the necessary resources for big data analysis. But you can still… Continue Reading